To book a treatment or to find out more about retreats and workshops, please contact Jacqui Howe on
07946 869454 or email

about Jacqui

Tandem 'Royal' LomiLomi Massage

Hawaiian Royalty – knowing the health benefits and luxuriously relaxed feelings of massage and healing performed this way – were regularly massaged by two healers at the same time. In fact in ancient times this tandem massage was reserved solely for Hawaiian Royalty but now you can enjoy this “royal massage” any time you wish!

Two skilled practitioners massage your body at once in a synchronized dance of rejuvenating bliss. David and Jacqui work together offering you a fabulous Tandem LomiLomi Massage.

The experience takes you out of your mind (the most habitual dwelling place for most of us), and fully into our bodies and the feeling of life. This very powerful healing massage will deeply relax and rejuvenate you, as well as leaving you feeling full of vitality for life. It has been very highly recommended by every client who has received this treatment from us!

“I can honestly say I have never experienced a more relaxing massage...
I would highly recommend this tandem massage as a real treat to anyone”
Sue Ramcharan

Your treatment

Before your massage any emotional or physical issues can be discussed so that the ‘whole person’ can be treated in a safe and effective manner. In this way all treatments are tailored to you and your individual needs.

60 minute Lomilomi Massage = £110

To book a treatment please click here...
